Note) The material of the O-rings
differs depending on the hydraulic fluid used.
高速下響應穩定。 真空可使用。
Stainless steel & NBR or Stainless steel & FKM Note)
Nominal filtration
Differential pressure resistance
Petroleum, Water-glycol,
Emulsion: NBR; Phosphoric ester: FKM
Differential pressure
indicator operating pressure
Differential pressure resistance
Note) The material of the
O-rings and seals differs
depending on the hydraulic fluid used.
4/2→5/3 (A/B→EA/EB)
C[dm3/(s·bar)] b Cv
VQD1000 0.27 0.28 0.07 φ25 2.0
特長 主閥中沒有滑動密封圈,
Paper5, 10, 20 μmMicromesh
74, 105 μm (200, 150 mesh)
Differential pressure indicator operating pressure